Engage for Change


Stopping the spread of COVID-19 is a team effort, and for most of us, our way to contribute is to stay home. If you are not an essential worker, limit your trips out as much as you can. You’ll be protecting everyone. We’re all in this together, #ygk! For information on changes to City services, visit the City’s COVID-19 webpage.


Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen - Thanksgiving Address in Haudenosaunee Culture

Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen - Thanksgiving Address in Haudenosaunee Culture

In the Haudenosaunee language, the Thanksgiving Address is called Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen pronounced ‘Oh hon don Gar ee wah day kwon,’ which translates to “What we say before we do anything important.” In English, it is commonly known as the Opening Prayer, the Greetings (“giving greetings to the natural world”), and most commonly, the Thanksgiving Address.

In traditional Haudenosaunee culture, the Thanksgiving Address is spoken at the opening and closing of important cultural events, including traditional Haudenosaunee ceremonies, meetings and gatherings.

Learning in Limestone

The truth about reconciliation

Find out more about the incredible student projects that were the culmination of an inquiry-based curriculum project. These amazing students were tasked to find answers on the next steps to the path to reconciliation. Thanks to the Limestone District School Board for featuring Engage for Change in its June 2017 Learning in Limestone segment.

Indigeneity 101

Indigeneity 101

Although Canada promotes multiculturalism and inclusion, Indigenous peoples still face stereotyping and racism. This phenomenon can be connected to not being exposed to the true history of colonialism in the public school system. Until recently, this history was not widely taught in schools. Luckily, this is beginning to change and Indigenous history is now being integrated into public school curricula across Canada.

The Historical Importance of Corn to Haudenosaunee Culture


Corn or maize is an Indigenous North American plant and it plays an important role in Haudenosaunee history and culture. The Haudenosaunee cultivated and harvested corn on a large scale within the ancestral Haudenosaunee lands of present day New York State. Corn was a principle and favourite vegetable food of the Haudenosaunee and they harvested many variations.

The seven grandfather teachings

The seven grandfather teachings

As part of our Engage for Change project, more than 200 grade 7 and 8 students are taking part in an inquiry-based, curricular project. The students are exploring the questions, stories and understandings behind the concept of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians, with a focus on the legacy of residential schooling.

Our next talking circle

Engage for Change Talking Circle

The next Engage for Change talking circle is hosted by the Kingston Arts Council. 

Please join us on Thursday, 13 July 2017 at the Tett Centre (Malting Tower) for a day of sharing as part of Engage for Change, a Reconciliation Journey Project, hosted by the City of Kingston.

Why Reconciliation Isn’t Possible

Why Reconciliation Isn’t Possible

While the term ‘reconciliation’ has become a prominent narrative for Canada this year, it is important to understand that Indigenous peoples are not unified on their viewpoints on reconciliation. There are Indigenous peoples that believe that reconciliation is not possible. How could this be?

Reconciliation as a Multidimensional Concept

World map

Reconciliation has many different dimensions because it can take on personal, group/organization, national and international meanings. For each role that you have in your life, there may be a different meaning and role for reconciliation. For example, if you are non-Indigenous, reconciliation may mean being a good ally; or, if you are Indigenous, it may mean healing and restitution for residential school experiences, day school experiences, or the Sixties Scoop.

Seven Generations – Thinking Beyond Our Time

Seven Generations – Thinking Beyond Our Time

Have you ever heard of the concept of ‘Seven Generations?’ This concept teaches us that our actions and decisions will affect seven generations after us. This teaching also challenges us to think beyond an individual level to make good decisions that will benefit seven generations. So, how does the concept of Seven Generations relate to reconciliation?

Reconciliation is Complex…

People downtown

Reconciliation is a complex topic as there are several forms of reconciliation, depending on what needs to be reconciled. This is evident by the 94 Calls to Action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada (2015), which highlights areas for reconciliation in several areas including (but not limited to), child welfare, education, language and culture, health, justice, government, churches, youth, museums, media, sports and business.